Hi, I am Perisa. I am 10-years-old and I am from Nepal. Nepal is a Landlord country meaning that it is surrounded by land. I moved to America when I was about 6-7 years-old. I didn’t know what America was and why I was going there, when I first heard about it. I came to America with my Mom, my sister, and my brother. I was really upset that my grandparents couldn’t come.
Nepal and America felt very different like how different all the people were, the different demography, different cultures, and a lot more. There were also some similarities too. The differences and similarities are mostly from my experience and my life style.
From my experience I think Nepal and America are different because in Nepal I lived in a village and in America I live in a city/ County type place. Also, In Nepal most of my realities lived really close. On the other hand, In America most of my realities are still in Nepal so we live a long distance away. Also, the schools were very different too. The school I went to in Nepal was a boarding school that meant that the school was really structed. The teachers always had high expectation. However, In America, I go to a Public school. The teachers are nice and friendly and know what’s best for all students.
In my experience I have also realized that Nepal and America are very similar. Both in Nepal and America I felt the same amount of love from my family and my friends. In comparison the schools I went to were sometimes hard and sometimes easy. Finally, In Nepal and America I had the same amount of respect for my Hindu culture.
I hope now you understand my background, my life style and the experience I had in Nepal and America.
Perisa Shrestha