भर्जिनियामा नेपाली कक्षा सन्चालन हुने सुचना !

इनेप्लिज २०७२ माघ ४ गते १:२५ मा प्रकाशित


अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगी समाजको “अमेरिका नेपाल शिक्षा सदन” द्वारा यहि फेब्रुअरी १३ तारिक शनिवारबाट प्रतेक हप्ता नेपाली समुदायका बालबालिकाहरुका लागि भाषा संस्कृती,नैतिक शिक्षा तथा नेपाल परिचय सम्वन्धी कक्षा सन्चालन गरिन लागेको हुंदा इच्छुक अभिभावकहरुलाई आफ्ना बच्चाको लागि अावेदन फारम संस्थाको website www.anhsdc.org मा गएर भरि दिनु हुन अनुरोधगरिन्छ। स्मरण रहोस अमेरिका नेपाल सहयोगि समाजले स्थापना काल देखि नै परम्परा, संस्कृति तथा सहयोगि भावनालाई प्रबर्धन गर्दै आई रहेको छ।

कक्षा समय: हरेक शनिवार बिहान १०:०० देखी १२:०० सम्म

स्थान: 8565 Sudley Rd, Ste #D, Manassas, VA 20110

बिद्यार्थीको उमेर: ४ देखि १३ वर्ष

आवेदन बुझाउने अन्तिम मिती: यहि जनवरी ३१ सम्म ।

थप जानकारीका लागी सम्पर्क:

(१) पदम रेग्मी ७०३-३१७-७७२४

(२) मधु पन्थी ७०३-४८५-२०००

(३) रोम ज्ञवाली ५४०-४४९-१५९७

(४) सुनिता सुवेदी ७०३-२२९-३५१६

(५) तनुजा पोखरेल ५७१-२३०-४६४५

(६) जानुका ओझा ५७१-२४७-१९२७

(७) तिलक खरेल २४०-४८१-९५०३

(८) कमल भट्टराई ७०३-९७३-४५७४

(९) सागर कडेल ५७१-३०९-८८९७

(१०) केदार तिम्सिना ५७१-३४०-५४१९

(११) राजन घिमिरे ५७१-४९२-११०६

ANHS Academy hosting Nepali language and culture school in Manassas, Virginia!

America Nepal Helping Society (ANHS) is happy to announce establishment of not for profit Academy “ANHS Academy” in Manassas. ANHS Academy hosting Nepali language and culture school in Manassas, Virginia. The class schedule will be every Saturday 10 AM to 12 pm beginning of February 13, 2016. ANHS Academy is committed to provide quality education in the USA.

The goal of the ANHS is to promote Nepalese culture and heritage in the Nepalese community in the USA. School curriculum includes instruction in reading, writing, and verbal communication in Nepali as well as cultural education for 4-13 years old kids. We believe that improving our community’s knowledge and understanding of Nepali culture will help to keep our customs and traditions alive in the USA. Why attend the Nepali School? As Nepali expatriates in America, many of us have recognized a need for our children to connect to their roots and culture. At the Nepali School we will focus on education that will impart to our children a greater knowledge and appreciation of their cultural heritage and language.

What is the school schedule?

Classes will be scheduled for 45 minutes. Following each class, there will be presentation about Nepalese festivals and culture, snacks and refreshments.

What is the nature of the course and the curriculum?

Our main goal is teaching the kids to read and write the Nepali language. However, we will have a balanced mix of lectures, discussions, short assignments, and fun activities like traditional games, learning rhymes, etc. In the future, depending on demand and availability of volunteer teachers, we will expand our curriculum to traditional Nepali cooking, Nepali musical instruments, etc.

Will snacks and refreshments be provided to the kids?

We would definitely like to provide refreshments. But please note that our minimum fee will not cover this cost. However, since this is a community effort, we plan on parents volunteering each week for snack duty.

Is there a place for parents to stay while the classes are in session?

During the course of the session parents can remain within the facility, however we will not have parents in the study area unless they are volunteering with the teaching. This is to cut back on the distraction to the children. Thank you
