ANS Invitation for August 15, 2015

इनेप्लिज २०७२ साउन २३ गते १२:४३ मा प्रकाशित

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Dear community members,

The executive committee of America Nepal Society (ANS) would like to invite all in an interaction program on Saturday August 15, 2015 from 2pm until 4:30 pm on the following topic:

  • Role, relevance and significance of social organizations in the Nepalese community
  • America Nepal Society (ANS) – discussions on the past experience, present course and its role in the coming days
  • ANS Upcoming events

Your thoughts and suggestions expressed during this event will be greatly appreciated.

When: Saturday August 15, 2015

Where: Centreville Regional Library, 14200 St. Germain Drive, Centreville VA

Time: 2 pm4:30 pm

For additional details contact – ANS Executive Members


Thank you,

Sujeet A

Media Coordinator

America Nepal Society

Tel: 703 672 1646

A non profit established in 1967
