Reschedule  Event -NSCII Golf Tournament for Earthquake Victims

इनेप्लिज २०७२ साउन ९ गते २२:३२ मा प्रकाशित

nepal sports

 NSCII Golf Tournament for Earthquake Victims

Saturday, 08/22/1015
(2: 00 pm – 9: 30 pm)

Blue Mash Golf Course
5821 Olney-Laytonsville Road
Laytonsville, MD 20882

 Contact: Kemika Bhandari

Main Coordinator

Golf Tournament and Charity Event

Nepal Sports and Cultural International


 On behalf of Nepal Sports and Cultural International, we are very much sorry to inform you that we could not make our regular program due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologized for any inconvenience that may have. However, our executive committee has decided that we could still do Saturday, August 22, 2015. Thank you for registering for the Golf Charity Event. We greatly appreciate your initiative.  We will see you on Saturday August 22, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. at the Blue Mash Golf Course, 5821 Olney-Laytonsville Road, Laytonsville, MD 20882.

 If you have any question please give me a call at 410-299-1299 or

E-Mail:[email protected]

Thank you

Kemika Bhandari

Main Coordinator

Golf Tournament and Charity Event

Nepal Sports and Cultural International

