The practice and results of the Nepal Constitution

इनेप्लिज २०८० असोज ६ गते १२:५६ मा प्रकाशित

Rajesh Kafle


Nepal, a land of diverse cultures, languages, and landscapes, has a rich history of political changes and constitutional reforms. One of the significant milestones in the country’s history was the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal in 2072 BS (2015 AD). This historic moment marked the culmination of years of struggle, discussions, and negotiations. In this article, we will explore the practice and results of the Nepal Constitution 2072, shedding light on its journey and impact on the nation.

The Birth of Nepal Constitution 2072:

The Constitution of Nepal 2072 came into effect on September 20, 2015, replacing the Interim Constitution of 2063. This document marked the transition from a monarchy to a federal democratic republic, with a commitment to ensuring fundamental rights and social justice for all Nepali citizens.

Practice and Implementation:

Federal Structure: One of the most significant changes introduced by the new constitution was the establishment of a federal structure in Nepal. The country was divided into seven provinces, each with its own elected government. This was aimed at decentralizing power and ensuring regional representation.

Inclusive Provisions: The constitution recognized the multicultural and diverse nature of Nepal. It included provisions for the protection of the rights and interests of marginalized communities, including women, indigenous groups, and Dalits. The reservation of seats for these groups in various government bodies aimed to promote inclusivity.

Fundamental Rights: The constitution guaranteed a range of fundamental rights to Nepali citizens, including the right to equality, freedom of speech, and the right to information. These rights were seen as essential for the protection of individual liberties and the promotion of a democratic society.

Political Stability: The constitution also established a parliamentary system of government, with a president as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government. This system aimed to provide political stability and accountability.
Results and Challenges:

Political Challenges: While the Nepal Constitution 2072 was a significant step forward, it has faced its fair share of challenges. Political parties and leaders often disagreed on the interpretation of certain provisions, leading to periods of political instability and gridlock.

Ethnic Tensions: The federal structure, while intended to promote inclusivity, has also led to tensions among various ethnic and regional groups. Disputes over borders, resource allocation, and representation have occasionally flared into protests and conflicts.
Implementation Issues: Some provisions of the constitution, such as those related to federalism and local governance, faced delays in implementation. This has hindered the effective functioning of the federal system.

International Relations: Nepal’s foreign policy underwent changes after the promulgation of the new constitution. Relations with neighboring India, in particular, were strained for a period due to disputes over the constitution’s provisions.


The Nepal Constitution 2072 was a significant achievement in the country’s democratic journey. It represented a commitment to federalism, inclusivity, and fundamental rights. However, its implementation has been a complex process, marked by political disputes, ethnic tensions, and challenges in governance.

As Nepal moves forward, it will be essential for political leaders, civil society, and citizens to work together to address these challenges, ensure the effective implementation of the constitution, and strengthen the country’s democratic institutions. The Nepal Constitution 2072 is a living document that has the potential to guide the nation towards a more prosperous and equitable future if its principles are upheld and its challenges are addressed.
