Hello everyone, recently an enormous earthquake of 7.9 has struck the country of Nepal. My sister (Kshitij Neupane) and I are trying to raise money for those who were not as fortunate as us.
All three of the main cities (Chetwan, Pokhara, and Kathmandu) have been hit severly. The roads are separated or cracked and unusable therefore the medical personnels cannot reach the victims. Not only that, but Nepal’s already limited resources are being strechted and the aftershocks (already over 20) are becomning too much for the small country to handle. The epicenter of this quake is believed to be Lamjung, Nepal.
The town is believed to “no longer exist” due to the effects of the quake. There have been over 700 deaths already reported within just a few hours, and we can expect a lot more casualities and deaths to come our way. Those who are still alive no longer have a roof over their heads nor do they have supplies available to them. Help us in this effort to raise money and supply food, water, clothes, and medical necessties.
All of the money will go straight to those in need through RedCross Nepal. (Other potential organizations who have gone into the heart of the chaos too, however we are still thoroughly researching them to make sure they are reliable)
Please don’t think that any donation is too small, every penny counts and that penny could be the difference between someone’s life and death.