Newah Organization of America (NOA) hosted an interaction program with Mr. Dev Dass Manandhar on January 18, 2015 in Silver Spring, Maryland. Mr. Manandhar is a well-known writer, newah scholar and activist as well as a Nepal Bhasa Linguistics, currently working on the development of Nepal Lipi Unicode. NOA’s 1st Vice President Mrs. Babita Shrestha welcomed speaker Mr. Manandhar, his spouse Mrs. Saroj Manandhar and all the participants. Mr. Ratna Kaji Shakya (Founding Member) opened the floor by saying a few words on behalf of NOA’s founding members. NOA’s past president Mr. Season Shrestha thanked all the EC members for hosting an interaction program with Mr. Manandhar on such a short notice and expressed NOA’s feeling of a great pride to host this program.
Mr. Manandhar delivered a speech in the uniqueness of Nepal Bhasa structures and scripts. He also explained about the history of Nepal Lipi and highlighted current development of Unicode process of Nepal Lipi. Mr. Manandhar told that based on his research of Nepal Bhasa grammars and scripts, he found such an uniqueness on its structures and simplicity that all Newah should be proud of.
At the end, NOA President Mr. Ram Lal Shrestha thanked all the participants for their support and Mr. Dev Dass Manandhar for providing an opportunity to host this interaction program. Mr. Shrestha expressed his opinion that it will be a historic moment for all Newah people once the Nepal Lipi Unicode is completed and wished him and his team success on behalf of NOA. Also Mr. Shrestha assured Mr. Manandhar to provide any assistance and promotion of Nepal Lipi on behalf of NOA to be required to complete this project.
In conclusion, Mr Shrestha presented a certificate of appreciation for his work on Nepal Lipi Unicode and his dedication to the Newah Cause. In addition Mr. Shrestha also presented a thank you letter to Mr. Tui kaji Prajapati, advisor of Tej Krishna Foundation to convey NOA’s appreciation for recognizing NOA works on preserve and promote of Newah culture, Heritage and Nepal Bhasa outside NEPAL.