Announcement- Election Committee for NASeA Executive Board (2019-21) – Congratulations!

Enepalese Published on: May 8, 2019

Nara Kaji Gurung, Ph D

Chair, Election Committee

NASeA election (2019-21)

Bashu D Phulara, P.C.

Member, Election Committee

NASeA election (2019-21)

Madhav Mainali

Member, Election Committee

NASeA election (2019-21)

Good evening

1. As per the Article IX para 3 of NASeA’s bylaws “Every two years the President shall announce an Election Committee at least seventy-five (75) days prior to the election to facilitate the election in a fair, transparent, and democratic manner.”. To provide the ample time for the Election Committee, President Madhav Dhakal had put up the agenda “Nomination of election committee (2019-21) “in the monthly meeting of our executive committee on 08 March 2019. The board during that meeting decided to propose the qualified names for the election committee by him in the capacity of President in the next monthly meeting. The election for NASeA executive committee ( 2019-21 ) will be held during the Labor Day weekend of 2019 at 15 th NASeA – ANMA Joint convention @ Winston-Salem , NC.

2. As per the same Article para 4 of NASeA’s bylaws “The Election Committee shall be composed of three (3) Association members, one of whom shall be designated as the chair of the committee.”, President Dhakal had proposed the following qualified and respected three names on the monthly meeting held on 19 April 2019 for the election committee of NASeA for the tenure of 2019-21.

1. Nara Kaji Gurung, Ph D – Chair, Election Committee

2. Bashu D Phulara, P. C. – Member, Election Committee

3. Madhav Mainali – Member, Election Committee

3. The NASeA’s executive board approved unanimously all above proposed names with their respective position as mentioned for the election committee. Coincidentally, all of these names are happened to be the life members of NASeA and the advisers of the current NASeA board.

4. Our executive board is extremely delighted to have these qualified, experienced and much-respected personalities in our society for this very important election committee. We would like to thank and appreciate to you all for your acceptance for this very important responsibility. On behalf of our executive committee, we would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate you all for your respective positions in this election committee.

5. We are very much confident that under your leadership and responsibilities, the election for the NASeA executive committee for the tenure of 2019-21 will be held in a fair, transparent, neutral and democratic manner. We would also like to assure you all that our executive board will be available all the times for any kind of help if required for this purpose.

6. On behalf of the election committee, the code of conduct and various rules and regulation well in advance would be much appreciated to make the election more respectful in a disciplined manner, fair, neutral and transparent.

Once again with warm congratulation!


Madhav Dhakal



Krishna Shrestha

General Secretary


08 May 2019