BHAGAWAT GEETA meaning “songs of the divine” is the divine communion of truth- realization between human and God. Entire wisdom of the cosmos has been packed into 700 concise verses bearing timeless and universal messages to human beings. Oh! Yes, Bhagawat Geeta is the oldest, greatest and the highest form of literature expounding the creed, discipline and ideals of all the prevailing religions. Geeta is the chapter of Mahabharata, an epic based on a true incident that had occurred in Greater Nepal on the Dwapar Yug, approximately 5,115 years ago. Mahabharata is the war which had occurred in-between Pandavas (defenders of truth) who belong to Nepal and Kauravas (the 100 mischievous brothers) living in Hastinapur, today’s Delhi India. Bhagawat Geeta is the classic masterpiece of literature in the entire history of human civilization. It is the outcome of dialogue between Bhagawan Krishna and the archer- Arjun while Bhagawan Krishna convinces Arjun to perform duty as an archer, not to run away from the Mahabharat battlefield. The fight was inevitable for the restoration of righteousness, justice and peace. Sanskrit verse “Ahinsa Parodharma; Dharmahinsa Tathaiwa Cha” which means – Nonviolence is the duty of humankind but killings in order to restore righteousness- justice and peace is the supreme duty of every mankind.
Nonetheless, Geeta is the noblest of scriptures and the grandest of sages describing a code of life and philosophy of social and ethical relations, human problems and way out from life’s turmoil. The Geeta lays down the highest ideas of self-control and self-realization embracing oneness. No doubt, Bhagawat Geeta is the inspirational source of all the philosophy, art, literature, religious texts and civilization that we have inherited. What is not in it- is nowhere. It is inevitable to read in order to understand life and the world. He / she who does not know Geeta- shall not know the symphony of the soul; he misses the avenues of life and beauty/grandeur of his own existence. Bhagawat Geeta is the vivid description of the Soul (Aatma), Karma (Action), Fal (Result) and the law of nature (Prakriti). It has unmasked the quest of truth, bliss, beauty and way to reach divinity. Indeed, it is a book of life that teaches “The Art of Living and Dying”. Selfless action brings contentment (loving nature) and dedication to the almighty God brings bliss. Yoga and meditation purifies the body, mind and the Soul. As a result, self transformation occurs and we realize the ultimate oneness of existence. Understanding its immense importance, most of the universities of America and Europe have kept Bhagawat Geeta in their education curriculum. Jesus Christ was highly impressed with the teachings of Bhagawan Krishna while he was in Nepal as a spiritual seeker. He thought of spreading the noble truth- Bhagawan Krishna’s teachings. ‘Niti’ means teaching in Sanskrit and Kurisuna + nity later became Christianity. In short, the Bible, Quran and Moses 10 commandments bear the core essence of Bhagawat Geeta. The Quran is just the fragmentation of ‘Puran’- the Vedic texts. Dr. Sajid Siddique explained so nicely in his book Geeta “Khuda ka Bayan” showing Bhagawat Geeta is the common book of every religion. Maulana Shaheen Jamali- a great Maulana loves to be called ‘Chaturvedi’ which means the knower of all the 4th Vedas. He has clearly said that Vedas are the source of all religions whereas other so-called gurus divide humanity by imposing their own ideology. What a shame!
From ancient times, Nepal was well known as ‘Satyawati’ (the land of truth) and ‘Muktidayeni’ (the land of salvation). Realizing the supreme power of tantra and ultimate spiritual destination, all the peace seekers, prophets, angels used to come to Nepal and pay homage as it is the land of Devas and Rishimunis. In short, Himalaya is the abode of Lord Shiva. Even, Jesus Christ – the devotee of Bhagawan Krishna had spent 18 yrs of his mysterious life tenure. People will understand such statements more clearly if they know about ancient Nepal and the Vedic wisdom first. Never-the-less, Nepal is the cradle for human civilization and obviously the Pavilion for all religious groups because it is the origin place of Vedic Sanatan Dharma – the universal religion of truthfulness. Bhagawat Geeta is similar to beautiful quotations taken out from the ocean of Vedic wisdom. It is a poem in symphony in which God is seen in all things. Surely, it generates devotional spirit and compels us to ponder upon the true nature of life and the world. Bhagawan Krishna is referred as ‘Bhagawan’ because he is the supreme personality possessing all richness, strength, name- fame, beauty, wisdom and all renunciation. Yes, Bhagawat Geeta is a beautiful window to peep into the spiritual realm an inspirational source for all the religions.
Indeed, it is a book of life that teaches “The Art of Living and Dying”. Selfless action brings contentment (loving nature) and dedication to the almighty God brings bliss. Yoga and meditation purifies the body, mind and the Soul.
Bhagawan Krishna, 9th incarnation of Narayana himself, was born in Vrindavan Rautahat district of Nepal. He has beautifully explained the law of life, our duties and responsibilities, purpose of life, way to connect divinity, causes of suffering and solutions of every problem reciting in Sanskrit verses. Chapter one is just the setting scene of Mahabharat war. Bhagawan Krishna starts explaining the true nature of life and our identity in the universe from Chapter two. And, other chapters talk about philosophical quests; the way to divinity and HIS supremacy. Therefore, European and American scholars have praised Bhagawat Geeta by heart. For them, it is a matter of great pride to have ‘Geeta’ on the table. But, not to utter a single word of ‘Nepal’- the birth place of Bhagawan Krishna, the ultimate spiritual destination, is strongly condemned. We thank Indian spiritual leaders who spread Krishna consciousness all over the world. But, concealing the birthplace of Bhagawan Krishna is very disgusting. As we all know, Indians are the most cunning people in the world. Sorry to say, but Indians are so clever that they can sell combs to a bald headed man. They have duplicated Lumbini and Rishikesh nearby Delhi. Indian prime-minister Narendra Modi’s speech saying “Buddha was born in India” at the United Nations meeting created political chaos for two years. You can watch such propaganda videos on several social media sites. So disgusting! How he dared to tell a lie when the entire world knows that Nepal is the Land of Mt. Everest and the birthplace of Buddha isn’t it?
Now, all the social media and Google search engines talk about India regarding; Vedic wisdom, Vedas, Saints- Rishimunis, spiritual places because India has ruled in IT (information and Technology). Moreover, India has a crowd of people and India started to advertise their new spiritual sites just by showing crowds. Most of the spiritual places of India are mere replicas of spiritual sites of Nepal. For instance; the original Somnath is Muktinath (Mustang district of Nepal), original Kedarnath is in Jumla and original Haridwar is Barahachhetra (Dharan, Nepal). A bit north from Barahakshetra lies Varuna+Asi confluence which later named Vanarasi the deriavated word from varunasi. Indians made a replica of spiritual places of Nepal just like Burmese made Pashupatinath in Burma whereas all the people know that the original Pashupatinath lies in Kathmandu Nepal. Similarly, the birthplace of Bhagawan Ram ‘Ayodhyapuri’ is in Nepal but Ayodhya can be seen in India and Thailand too. Here, it can be Indians ego or ignorance but being a spiritual guide- Indian spiritual master should not mislead followers. Indian’s and western’s ego for competing knowledge has kept Vedic wisdom in a shadow. Ideology of so-called gurus saying “our religion is better and yours bitter” has created chaos. We must break the boxes of religion by understanding Vedic Sanatan Dharma; which was in practice before Buddha, Jesus, Mohamad, Nanak, Moses etc and still exists in Nepal.
May the people understand that Nepal is not a political / geographical country but the land of Devas, Saints and Rishimunis. It is the mystical land where immortal souls dwell. It is the pious land blessed by Guru Gorakshanath, abode of Lord Shiva. The four vital spiritual energy points for entire human beings; Muktikshetra, Pashupatkhetra, Ruru Kshetra and Baraha Kshetra lie in Nepal. Similarly, all the 64 Jyotirlinga (visible form of Lord Shiva) lie in Nepal. Despite crystal clear evidence, Indian politics has cunningly advertised their so-called spiritual places which are just the replica of Nepal’s energy centers. History tells that once upon a time, Indians could not enter Nepal and pay homage due to malaria- plague in Terai region of Nepal. It is good to make a replica like Burmese made Pashupatinath temple in Burma, Thai people kept the Capital name ‘Ayodhya’ prior to Bangkok as they had a great respect to Lord Ram who was born in Ayodhyapuri, Chitwan, Nepal. But, advertising just Indian Vrindavan and Indian Ayodhya is a great crime. In fact, spiritual energy does not understand politics at all but interpretation from Indian Hindus saying “Aum Namah Shivaya is a Hindu mantra, Lord Shiva -Indian God, Vedas – Hindu book, Geeta – Hindu text, Bhagawan Ram, Krishna, Buddha is an Indian God is extremely nonsense. First of all, God does not belong to one nationality or religion but how dare India give passports to Lord Shiva, Bhagawan Ram and Krishna? Secondly, the 4 Vedas (constitution of human beings) was written by Maharshi Veda Vyasa who was born in Damauli Nepal. The 4 Vedas are the source of all the literature, religious texts and scientific discoveries. An inscription kept in Kedarnath temple saying “Damaulijanma Badaribanastho Vyasomuni Satyawati suto saou: Parasaratma Saridantarale Chiram chakaratra tapastapasbi”, Vayupuran saying “Ganga Yamuna Saraswoti yo Dwaparesmin Yamuna tatesbhuta parasarat satyawati prasut: Sa wao samartho bhagawan babhuwa Bedasya bistar karo Damaulyam: Yeti tarasya yamuneti madi saraswoti begawatiti seti, tatsangam diwp bhawasya tasya Dwaiyapanakhya prathima jagatyam, and other Sanskrit slokas “Antarale Mahanadho Gandaki shula gandayo- Parkot bhidhasta syadesh sarbatra visrita” describes the exact location of Damauli. Till today, there is a place called Parkot, Gandaki and Chudi Seti River which is in Gandaki district of Nepal. The both inscription and Puran verses explain that Veda Vyasa was born in Nepal, then? Despite having crystal clear evidence, India is trying to fool the entire world which is extremely condemned.
Similarly, Bhagawan Krishna was born Vrindavan of Rautahat district, Nepal. Bhagawan Krishna, the 9th incarnation of Narayana, is uttered with other several names like Govinda, Gopal, Gokula, Keshav, Madhusudhan, Shyamsundar, Damodar, Basudev, Hari, Manmohan, Bhagawan Rishikesh. He kept nathsworupa name ‘Yadunath’ after receiving cosmic wisdom from Guru Gorakshanath. Mother Devaki had to save baby Bhagawan Krishna from Kansha’s attack and was thrown into Gandaki River in a basket. The basket with the baby was rescued by a fisherman near Narayanghat and grown up at Vrinda which lies in Rautahat district of Nepal. Again, mother Devaki had to escape away into the Himalaya and tie the baby Krishna by Kush rope so that he could not run elsewhere. And, this secret place is no other than ‘Damodarkunda’ which lies in Mustang district of Nepal. One can see Holy Kush grass grown around Damodarkunda till today. Bhagawan Krishna spent most of his life time at Vrindawan and Daman area which is 72 km west from Kathmandu. One can see Pandukeshwor river (Daman, Nepal) area where Bhagawan Krishna had sprinkled water to the five Pandavas for good luck before the Mahabharat battle. Therefore, Shikharkot Palung is the pious place where the archer Arjun had received the first teaching from Bhagawan Krishna. Hence, Bhagawat Geeta started at Daman, Shikharkot. Again, Bhagawan Krishna had received Sudarshan Chakra from Shiva-Shanker Bhole at Aadeshwar (51st Shivalinga) which is nearby Ichankhunarayan temple. Therefore, Ruru Rishikesh is the original Rishikesh, absolutely not Rishikesh north to Delhi. The replica Rishikesh of India became famous just after the visit of western music band Beatles for practicing transcendental meditation courses in the 70’s. Therefore, we urge all the readers to explore such places and gather authentic information because it is very important to know the source of wisdom. Please do not take me as a pro Nepali at all. You shall agree on the above statement once you understand ancient Nepal, spiritual energy centers. My attempt is to delete confusions as thousands of westerners have come to ‘Tushita-Nepal Meditation Center’ seeking authentic information, spiritual guidance.
Entire world is craving for peace. Millions of devotees are raising Krishna consciousness around the world with fanfare ‘Hare Ram- Hare Krishna’. There is a huge misconception regarding the birthplace of Bhagawan Krishna. May you read last pages information ‘Things to Know’- ‘ Vedic Sanatan Dharma’ and ‘the Greater Nepal’ to understand more clearly. Very soon the entire world will know that Bhagawan Krishna was born in Nepal. And, obviously, people will know that Bhagawat Geeta- “The Song of the Divine’ was also written in Nepal. It is so sad that people think Geeta as a religious text and ignore reading. Also, intricate diction written in Sanskrit language and not knowing the practicality of Geeta has made readers indifference to read Bhagawat Geeta. Therefore, Yogi Panchavedi has attempted to translate important verses in a simple language so that entire people could read and implement in life, especially when people are lost and stand on cross roads full of confusions. Bhagawat Geeta is a beautiful epic explaining the entire philosophy of life; love-life death, politics, devilish human nature, purification of consciousness and attaining salvation. It bears universal truth- it is the reason why Geeta is touched while taking oath in courts of national assembly. Certainly, Bhagawat Geeta is the philosophy of life, the noblest of entire literature, a manual book teaching the art of living and dying.