Sa Paru and Annual Summer Picnic Announcement

Enepalese Published on: August 26, 2023

Dear NPPA Patrons, Life Members, & Community Members, Jwajalapa – Namaskar,

Nepa Pasa Pucha Amerikaye (NPPA) continues the tradition of organizing/celebrating Sa Paru (सा पारु – Gai Jatra in Nepali, Cow Festival in English) festival in the United States in Gunlaga (गुंलागा) Bhadra (September) month. After the Sa Paru procession, NPPA’s annual summer picnic activities will kick off.

Please see the attached for more details.

Executive Committee
Nepa Pasa Pucha Amerikaye (NPPA)
नेपा: पासा पुच: अमेरिकाय्

[email protected]