Please vote ethics. In the coming election, please vote against corruption.
Consider the consequences of voting and empowering corruption to yourself, our society and the future generations. Reflect on your own conscience. If you do vote corruption, then you are also a part of the corruption. Please be solution, not the problem.
If a corrupt politician offers you a free lunch. Enjoy the lunch. But consider the unsaid offer – “Your worth is merely a free lunch. Happy to buy your democratic rights very cheap.” Thus, in the privacy of the booth take revenge and vote ethics.
Once we were rice exporter. Today, we import everything even tomato. Our economy is in bad shape, and Shrilanka case may repeat in Nepal. Today, over 7 million our youth are working abroad just to keep a step ahead of starvation. Are our politicians interested to solve it? No. Must punish politicians responsible for:
Only interest these politicians have is to ratify the MCC to please foreign masters.
Dr. Bhim Rawal Speech in parliament against MCC 2022 | Fair Nepal
Dr. Yubaraj Sangroula: MCC पास गर्न हिँडेकाहरू विदेशीका दलाल हुन |
Prof. Ratna Sansar Shrestha: असंवैधानिक र राष्ट्रघाती एमसीसीअसंवैधानिक-र-राष्ट्रघाती/
iii. The so called the ‘12 Byakhatmak’ statement was not allowed to be debated.
How long do we wait? If American MCC does not agree in writing, then the MCC is not valid.
Earlier, MCC officers have already stated that there will be no change in the agreement.
MCC काे व्याख्यात्मक बुँदामा के छ ? सबैले हेर्नैपर्ने भिडियाे
एमसीसी विवाद: कारण र विकल्प – Ekantipur, Jestha 22, 2077; Dr. Surya Raj Acharya
Please read the article for the comprehensive details. Here are a few important excerpts:
दफा ७.१, नेपालको कानुन भन्दा एमसीसी सम्झौता माथि रहने ।
दफा ३.८, नेपालको महालेखा परीक्षक बाट लेखा परीक्षण हुने बाध्यकारी व्यवस्था नभएको ।
दफा ५.१, एमसीसीले एक पक्षीय रूपमा सम्झौता अन्त्य गर्न सक्ने र सबै दायित्व नेपाल सरकारले लिनुपर्ने ।
दफा ३.२ (ख), कार्यान्वयनका लागि गठित निकाय, एमसीए– नेपाललाई नेपाल सरकारका तर्फ बाट कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धी क्रियाकलापका सम्बन्धमा सम्पूर्ण कार्य गर्ने अख्तियारी, तर अनुसूची१मा भएको व्यवस्थानुसार खटनपटन भने एमसीसीको ।
दफा ३.२ (च), बौद्धिक सम्पत्तिमा एमसीसीको मात्र एकाधिकार ।अनुसूची५ (क), नेपालभित्रै निर्माण हुने पूर्वाधार आयोजना बारे भारत सरकारले समर्थन गरेको हुनु पर्ने सर्त ।अनुसूची५ (ख), विद्युतीय नियमन आयोग ऐन बारेको सर्त ।
दफा ७.४ ले सम्झौताको अवधि पाँच वर्ष किटान गरे पनि दफा ५.५ ले आठ वटा दफा अनन्तकालसम्मै लागूहुने हो कि भन्ने अर्थ लगाउँछ ।
यी दफामध्ये केही कर र लेखा परीक्षण जस्ता वित्तीय कार्य विधि सम्बद्ध छन् भने, केही अलि दूरगामी प्रभाव हुन सक्ने प्रकृतिका छन् । जस्तो, दफा ६.४ ले यी दफा सहित यो सम्झौतालाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्झौताको मान्यता दिलाउँछ ।
दफा २.७ को प्रावधानले एमसीसीको फन्डिङको उपयोग (अर्थात् यसबाट निर्मित पूर्वाधारको उपयोग) अमेरिकाको कानुन वा नीतिविपरीत नहुने (सोबारे अमेरिकी सरकारले लिखित रूपमा नेपाललाई जानकारी गराउन सक्ने) कुराको सुनिश्चितता खोज्छ ।
त्यस्तै, ३.७ (ग) ले गर्दा अनन्तकालसम्म एमसीसीका कुनै पनि प्रतिनिधिलाई आयोजनास्थलमा बेरोकटोक प्रवेशको अनुमति दिनुपर्नेछ । यी सबै बाध्यकारी प्रावधान अनन्तकालसम्म कायम रहने दफा ५.५ को आशय हो भने, सम्झौताको यो प्रावधान निश्चय नै गम्भीर प्रकृतिको देखिन्छ ।
भारतले अरुण३को प्रशारण लाइन किन ढल्केबर ल्याउदैछ ?
Dharmas (Vaishnav, Bauddha, Shaiva, Jain, Tantra, Sikh, etc.) are about seeking truth ‘Satya’ and disciplines of inner progress ‘Yoga.’ Hinduism is the collection of all the Dharmas evolved in our region. The central theme of Dharmas is inner and outer Peace. Dharmas are different spiritual paths \ margas \ ways \ disciplines. They overlap and don’t use Violence. It is up to an individual to be interested, practice any, all, or none.
Religions (Christianity, Islam, Communism, Fascism, etc.) are brainwashing systems for social control. Each claims exclusive truth, all others evil, and violence is the central theme. Religions are sets of doctrines to believe and sets of commandments to obey, without any questions. This is militarization of society which is the totalitarian control of individuals leading to ‘we vs. they’, ‘we are superior’, ‘misogyny’, and ‘violence.’
Truth always triumphs Satyam eva jayate
Goodness comes out of goodness Om mani padme hum
Nothing is equivalent to knowledge Nahi gnanena sadrsham
The whole world is a family Vasundhaiva kutumbakam
May all be happy Sarve api sukhino santu
All are common by birth, Janma jaata shudra sarve,
superiority by good will and deeds karmena brahman bhavati
Let truth shine over un-truths, Asato ma Sadagamaya,
let light shine over darkness tamaso ma jyothirgamaya
Where women are treated with dignity, Yatra naari poojyanthe,
there roam divinity ramane tetra devata
Truth is one, sages call it differently Ekam sat, vipraha bahudha vadanti
Entire universe is pervaded by God Isha vasya midam sarvam
We are all the children of God Sarve amritasya putrah
Within all of us divinity resides Aham brahmasmi
Treat parent and teacher like Gods Matru, pitru, guru devo bhava
Speak truth, speak sweet, Satyam vada, priyam vada,
do virtuous deeds dharmam chara
We are children of the earth Mata bhumih putro ham prithvyah
Let good thoughts come from everywhere Aa no bhadrah kratavo yantu vishwatah
Many paths to the summit Sarva dharma sama bhava
Victory is, where virtue is Yeto dharma stato jaya
Divinity in every heart Ishwor sarba hridaya tisthati
Divinity – truth, auspicious and beautiful Satyam, shivam, sundaram
Divinity – truth, conscious and bliss Sat, chit, ananda
Let there be no Animosity amongst us Ma vidvisavahai,
Divine, peace, peace, peace Om, Shantih, Shantih, Shantih.
Its core nonsensical doctrine is, “All Christians go to Heaven, no matter how Evil. All others go to Hell, no matter how Virtuous. All are born sinner, i.e. babies are born in sin. Sins of all and only Christians are already paid by Jesus.” How convenient. Only idiots believe it.
All converts must agree that all their mother, father, families, ancestors have gone to Hell; and all their heritage is Evil. Their ancestors must be really proud of them, in Hell.
Get it correct. Babies are born sinless and divine. Virgins don’t have babies. It is against natural and divine law. One person’s sin does not transfer to others. Nobody may be punished for somebody else’s crime. That is against the basic norm of justice. Jesus’s biological father is Panthera, a Roman soldier. He was on cross only for a few hours and survived. He ran away to India, lived long and died of old age. His tomb still exists in Shrinagar, Kashmir.
Christianity is not merely a faith, but a vicious ideology. It is about brain washing people and attacking other’s heritage. It is not European innovation, but imposed by torturing and killing about 100 million Europeans. It killed another 50 million people in Americas and Africa. Churches even killed Hindus and destroyed temples in India. It destroyed European glorious heritage of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, Euclid and countless philosophers. Church burned alive Professor Giordano Bruno and imprisoned for life Galileo for saying that the earth goes around the sun, contrary to the Bible. It dragged Europe down the millennium long Dark Age. Finally, Europe woke up out of this nightmare and had Renaissance, the age of enlightenment, in the 15th century AD. Enlightened King Napoleon Bonaparte of France attacked Spain to free it from the darkness of Christianity in 1808 AD.
The progress of Europe today is not because of, but in spite of Christianity. Progress happened due to and only after recognizing their own roots of European philosopher. It is by rejecting Christianity. Christianity is against the universal concepts like secularism, democracy, objective and rational thinking. Socrates, “Unexamined truth is not really truth.” Pope, “Socrates is not a Christian, therefore gone to hell.”
Read evil Bible:
John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh and drink blood of Jesus, you have no life.
Deuteronomy 12:2-3 Destroy others temples and destroy images of their Gods.
John 14:6 Jesus is the only way. All non-Christians will go to hell.
Acts 4:12 There is no salvation in any other religions.
John 3:16-18 All non-Christians are condemned to hell already.
Jesus is not really for peace:
Matthew 10:34 I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Luke 19:27 Kill them before me, who would not accept me as the King.
Matthew 15:24 I am here to help only Jews or the people of Israel.
Christian God is vicious: According to Bible this evil god killed all the first born Egyptian children in support of Moses, and killed all the humanity except Noah’s family.
Exodus 20:5 I am jealous God. If you bow to other Gods, I will punish even your children up to 4rth generations.
Number 31: Attack Midian tribe. Kill all men, women and children; except virgin girls. Plunder their wealth and burn their villages. You enjoy their wealth and virgins.
The evil Christian Priest \ Jesuit Oath: They are running St. Xavier and St. Mary schools.
“ ….. I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly openly, against all heretics, protestants, and liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race, that when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the strangulation cord, as directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father of the society of Jesus. .… “
Christianity kills:
Christianity in action:
How Churches destroyed native American heritage and children:
Communism is fundamentally against freedom and democracy. It kills creativity and destroys human heritage. It is a totalitarian system which tries to control all aspects of life. They may entertain any grand theory, but that does not give them the divine right to terror, loot, intimidation and murder. The goal of communism is to create a society where individuals are mere workers like bees and ants without any identity and heritage. It is neither possible nor desirable. It merely creates an overlord class of communist leaders to exploit all others. They don’t allow others to rise and then kill each other for supremacy.
Nepalese Maoist terror, with foreign help, killed 17,000 poor Nepalese, destroyed our meagre industries and desecrated our temples. There must be justice. Only low IQ individuals convert to the world rejected Marxism today. All the constituent concepts of Marxism\Maoism are proven to be wrong: Surplus value theory, Class struggle, Dialectic materialism, Interpretation and prediction of history, Communist utopia, Cashless market, Government less nation, Scientific socialism, Cultural revolution, Dictatorship of the Communist party, Political power through barrels of the gun, etc.
Communist leaders are opportunist hypocrites. Don’t they sing the glory of North Korean heaven to the innocent Nepalese? Now check their lifestyles, foreign visits and the destinations of their children for education. North Korea? USA?
Behind the scene they are controlled by the foreign churches. These corrupt to the soul politicians are basically selling our heritage and Dharma to foreign Masters for personal gains and a glass of Holy wine.
Soviet Russia, East Germany, Yugoslavia before, Mao’s China
Truncated Russia, United Germany, Yugoslavia today, Deng Xiao Ping’s China
Goal: For Democracy by abolishing Rana dictatorship
Process: Fight Rana regime’s enforcing agency only
People: For freedom and democratic rights of people
Goal: To impose Communism by abolishing existing democracy
Process: Fight the national army led by democratically elected government
People: Terrorize people to submit to the totalitarian dictatorship of Maoist party
Soviet Russia: Lenin, Stalin – 20 million
Maoist China: Collectivization program – 45 million, Cultural revolution – 15 million
Our own Maoists: 17,000 poor Nepalese
Communism Kills: 100 years, 100 million killed
Please vote ethics!
May Buddha bless us all!
Tilak B. Shrestha, Ph.D.