Formation of NRNA USA Legal Case Resolution Committee

Enepalese Published on: September 14, 2021

Dear members,

In a leadership of NRNA NCC USA President Buddi Subedi, NRNA ICC and NRNA NCC USA have recently formed a Joint Committee to address previous issues of NRNA NCC USA currently residing in a Tennessee court and table them for a proper and fair resolution towards transparency, fairness and a long term benefit of the organization. The Committee consists of four members identified below including a member nominated by the ICC. Concept of Committee formation to address the issues with tentative agenda were presented to the NCC board and were duly approved.

1. Anjan K. Chaulagai – General Secretary, NRNA NCC USA
2. Buddi Subedi – President NRNA NCC USA
3. Rajan Tripathi- Regional Coordinator, Americas, NRNA ICC
4. Sonam Lama – Vice President, NRNA ICC

1. Establish environment for a discussion and schedule a meeting between Sal (Surya) Lamsal and the Committee.
2. Introduction to the meeting goal and the participants.
3. Identify and recognize the NCC or ICC issues raised to the Court.
4. Propose, discuss and find resolution of the identified issues.
5. Draft and finalize resolution decisions.
6. Make a plan to turn resolution into implementation.

I thank the NRNA ICC and NCC USA executives, members and representatives for supporting this initiative and finding a direction of the institution forward with expectation of a conflict free institution in the future.

We also thank Mr. Sal (Surya) Lamsal for recognizing the importance of this discussion towards fulfilling his long term commitments towards a resourceful and fair institution for the future generation.

We all are looking forward to the outcome best for the institution and the members of NRNA.

Best regards,
Anjan K. Chaulagai
General Secretary