ANMF 25th Annual Meeting will be on 09/18/2021 Virtually

Enepalese Published on: August 20, 2021




Due to the surge of Delta variant of COVID-19 leading to restrictions on gatherings, America Nepal Medical Foundation (ANMF) could not hold its Annual Meeting of Members in person again this year. Therefore, ANMF will hold the 25th Annual Meeting on 09/18/2021 virtually.

Please mark your calendar! The theme of this year’s meeting is “Emerging from the Pandemic: Healthcare Opportunities in Nepal.

ANMF conducted its quarterly Board of Directors meeting on May 10, 2021. Following bylaws, the Board renewed the tenures of the Board members whose terms were expiring and two new positions were filled. New executive officers were elected as well. All of these will be ratified at the upcoming Annual Meeting of Members.

ANMF thanks all Directors and Members for their time, effort, and financial contributions, which have allowed ANMF to execute so many projects in Nepal, several of which were targeted for immediate COVID relief while others have long lasting impact on healthcare in Nepal.

ANMF Family welcomes you all to the Annual General Meeting. This meeting will NOT be a fundraiser event. If participants and members choose to donate at their will, please do so via our website Thank you.

Bhupesh Khadka, MD
President, ANM