Torbjørn C. Pedersen (Thor), Goodwill Ambassador of Danish Red Cross, arrived Nepal today in a one-man journey to visiting all the countries of the world in a single journey, without the use of flight. Nepal is the 169th country of his visit. Talking to Nepal Red Cross leaders he shared ‘I want to bring some attention towards the well-meaning people of the planet.’
During his visit, he observed the world heritage sites, talked to the leaders of Nepal Red Cross and observed activities of Danish Red Cross in Nepal. He appreciated Nepal Red Cross Hotline Call Centre-1130 work that is linking to people with Red Cross from remote areas. After visiting NRCS National blood transfusion service center at Balkumari, he donated blood as well. He is an A positive donor. He said ”I donated blood to persuade people that every person has similar blood and donating blood is a way of being satisfied.”
Dibya Raj Poudel, NRCS Director told, ”It is his unprecedented journey which has covered more than 243,000 km already using land and sea route only”. The journey, which symbolically links together the chain of 191 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, began on the 10th October 2013. Mr. Pedersen will not return home until he reaches the last country, over 200. (Expected in 2020)