Nepal is small country

इनेप्लिज २०७४ साउन १७ गते १७:१६ मा प्रकाशित

Nepal is a small country located  in Asia between china and India. It has different languages with different cultures.

Nepal is the religion of Hinduism  and Buddhism.Because of different cultures and religions tourist come visit Nepal to know more about it. They observe good culture, tradition,  things and explore them to their country.

Nepal is known for the highest peak in the world ,Mt.Everest.It is also known for the features of tourism.Tourism is the largest industry in Nepal.It is popular for mountaineers,climbers, hiking and many more.Nepal is full of natural beauties and wonders.The country has some disadvantages too, the problem is transportation.Because of this they have to walk to the remote areas where natural beauties are.


As we get many foreign currencies from tourist we couldn’t mange more facilities  for tourist. So we need to promote facilities for tourist which is increasing day by day.
