Dear respected community members in the NASeA region,
I would like to take this opportunity to proudly announce that I have submitted my candidacy for the position of President of the NASeA for the term 2015-2017.
My primary objectives will be to serve our community in an inclusive way, make our beloved organization grow both horizontally and vertically; be a good partner with other Nepalese organizations for the development of Nepali Diaspora; and maintain a high standard both socially and ethically.
As a founding member of two local organizations ( NCNC & TNCC ) manifested to serve our motherland and provide endless support systems bound together by our common heritage, I have learned what is required to keep an organization running. While Vice President of NCNC, I learned how pivotal and valuable communication could be. For this reason I promise upmost transparency to all of our members. Through our quick actions and urgency, we secured property to claim as our own community center.
On the board of directors for NASeA, I immersed myself and discovered a valuable lesson that I would like to carry into my tenure- you get out what you put in. The value of our organizations is measured by our endless efforts. Although pride often has a negative connotation, Pride in my work is only surpassed by pride of my country. These two aspects have synergized while serving as Chairperson for this years NASeA/ANMA Joint Convention 2015.
Experience alone, however, does not make anybody the ideal candidate. I believe it is my hard work, dedication, and above all the need to assist my country in any way possible are the main distinguishing factors. The unfortunate events that transpired in Nepal have still left us shaking. My eldest daughter was in the midst of the tragedy and being able to see her again after such a scary time has reminded me of the resilience we as Nepali’s are capable of.
Presently, I am the Convention Chair of the 11th NASeA/ANMA Joint Convention to be held during Labor Day weekend (September 4-6, 2015). I am working hard to make this convention a grand success with all the community support and help.
My active role in various executive committees and can do attitude have prepared me for the leadership and developed confidence to lead and take our organization to a new height.
Our Objectives:
1. Not to allow NASeA to any political and/or vicious hand(s) since we are the most reputable organization with high qualities in socio-cultural services. We believe in quality, because quality stands strong and high;
2. Help provide Managerial directions, as with the successful establishment of TNCC’s Nepalese Community Center, we need to revitalize NASeA’s Community Center and make it a reality.
3. Continue to promote and preserve Nepalese arts, music, culture, heritages and languages globally;
4. Be a watch dog and speak for the human rights in the USA, Nepal, and globally the whole world for the mankind.
5. Connect with larger Nepali communities both within America and abroad;
6. Help rebuild Nepal from the devastation made by massive Earthquakes at any cost;
7. Provide a fresh and new leadership to the Nepalese diaspora in the Americas as they need unity and solidarity to rebuild Nepal;
Opportunities for NASeA’s growth today:
1. Providing leadership for the growing Nepalese diaspora;
2. Providing leadership for the Bhutanese-Nepalese in the USA along with all Nepalese in and around the world;
3. Integration of Nepalese and American in both human and financial resources to the benefit of Nepal and Nepalese;
4. Be a strong conduit to rebuild Nepal aftermath of earthquake;
I live in High Point, North Carolina with my wife, Susma Marhatta Dhakal ( Vice President of TNCC ) and son Sunam , daughters Sajana and Susan . My family, especially my wife, has endlessly supported any next goal or problem we decided to tackle. She has become my friend/partner/supporter in everything I do.
For a living, I have been working for Bank of America for 15 Years. My reputation precedes my ethics.
I am asking for your support to elect me as the president of NASeA for the 2015-2017 term. I seek your endorsement and votes to provide me with the opportunities to carry out the objectives outlined above. With your support and votes I will make NASeA become a more open, more inclusive, and leader of all organizations.
Your votes electing me as the president of NASeA for the term 2015-2017 and giving me opportunities to prove progress of our organization will help take our organization to a new level. Your precious and gracious help will be abundantly fruitful to the best of NASeA and its super goals of quality service to the Nepalese communities in various States of the NASeA region.
Thank you for your commitment and support,
Always in your service,
Madhav Dhakal
Candidate fo President, NASeA
336 4714709
High Point, NC